2014-09-25 07.53.02

2014-09-24 15.52.54

I wanted to give mine a vintage feel. So I didn’t make everything super cut & dry precise. i also added some texturizing with the modge podge.

>>>So my little sis had a canvas of this sign (I first saw it in Gossip Girl and wanted one) that her friend made for her.  I saw it & once again realized I had to have it! 😀

But her friend charges $90 dollars & online I couldn’t find one for less than $100! 😦  So I looked more closely at my sister’s and thought “how hard could this really be?”  So I went to Michaels (who is having a huge sale by the way) picked up a canvas, a bottle of black & bottle of white acrylic paint-satin finish

1 small 1 large

1 small 1 large

(You will only need one bottle of each), two sponges and a bottle of modge podge.  (Total of $24 with Michael’s sale).

I simply painted the entire canvas white.  Traced the letters from my sister’s on printer paper.  Penciled them onto the canvas.  Painted in with black (3 coats) and coated over 3 times with modge podge.  The great thing about acrylic is it dries really fast.

Here’s an article of the history of this sign.  I was a little bumbed to learn that it wasn’t some incredible painting from Paris or some sort of fashion museum lol.  But the real thing is still pretty interesting.

Hope you have a great day! Xoxo



CRAFTY>>Lipstick Holder

While doing some deep house cleaning & organizing (bleh!) I was attempting to organize my cluttered hair & make-up area, and  realized how nice it would be to have a cute way to display my lipstick.  But I really need to stop spending money for a little while…we’ve all been there right 😉  Then I got the idea to make my own!  And it literally took 30 minutes & I just used stuff that I already had laying around the house 😀  Here’s how you do it.

2014-09-15 17.28.13

>>>Take any cute box you have, AND a shoe box (really just any cardboard or thick thick card stock…you’re going to cut that one up)

2014-09-15 17.30.18>>>Cut pieces of cardboard and hot glue them into the box making a checker board like pattern.  Adjust sizes according to the sizes of your lipstick.

2014-09-16 15.09.25>>>It should look something like this…You can make as many slots as you like
2014-09-15 17.40.17>>>And then you’re done 😀

2014-09-16 14.55.42Hope that this helps any of you other ladies on a budget out there…but still want to cute-i-fy your room 😀  If you’d rather purchase a lipstick holder,  I love this one here, I might get it later on down the road as well…because let’s be hones I will ALWAYS be adding more lipstick to my collection…I have weakness for them.

That’s it for today.  Have a fantastic weekend!!!

Until Monday—Xoxo